기사제목 Karacin Jr. - “goddamn level” new single that is a must listen for electronic R&B lovers
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Karacin Jr. - “goddamn level” new single that is a must listen for electronic R&B lovers

기사입력 2019.06.25 09:48
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[picture = BADBOSS COMPNAY] 
PB R&B singer Karcin Jr. releases a brand new single, “goddamn level”.


PB R&B singer songwriter Karacin Jr. released a single album called “goddamn level”. Although Karacin Jr. has been spreading his name through many features on other artists’ projects, this is his first single release on his own in six months. His previous release, “Holy Night” was his take on country and acoustic music representing the fear of loneliness. On the other hand, “goddamn level” represents the hardships of all mankind delivered through an alternative electronic package. He shows his signature “vapor wave R&B” sound in his new single that can be found throughout his full length album “Flowering Knights 3018”. And like many of his previous work Karacin Jr. helped produce, compose, and wrote this project alongside Klee, a Canada based producer who helped arrange the single. The album cover is a work of art birthed by the collaboration of Oddity Nature and Anthony’s World. Both of their artistic talents combined created an easily distinguishable cover that is on another level compared to others.


Meanwhile, Karcin Jr. continues to lead “Puffodd Collective”, preparing to spread their presence throughout Hongdae and Itaewon. The current roster of musicians consist of: Karacin Jr., Oddity Nature, OVDL, Kimmy, Swallowsail, and Dirtyframe. “How You Feel (feat. Karacin Jr.)” the newest single from the newest member of Puffodd Collective, Kimmy, has been attracting an increasing amount of attention from indie music sites.

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