기사제목 BADBOSS CREW, the first DJ artist to release smart ‘KiT Album’
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BADBOSS CREW, the first DJ artist to release smart ‘KiT Album’

기사입력 2020.04.14 15:44
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For the first time as a DJ artist, the BADBOSS CREW has released their album ‘I Miss You’ as a KiT Album, which is a smart album provided by MUZLIVE.


On January 23, the EDM duo BADBOSS CREW has released their first EP ‘I Miss you’, which is an album they worked on with Emilia Ali, an American pop-singer. Their new album is under the limelight especially overseas, as the DJ pair has a wide range of global fans that they have built through overseas tours prior to their debut.


As a producer-DJ duo, the BADBOSS CREW is a veteran producer team that has produced hundreds of commercial music including music for drama soundtrack, films, musical and commercial ads.



The KiT Album ‘I Miss You’ includes a smart media Air-KiT and 24 photo-cards, and it works on various smart devices instead of a CD player. It provides multi-contents such as the music, photo, videos and different state-of-the-art services such as a community service for the fans to communicate with the artists, as well as a function to create and share your self-music videos.


Since April 7 of 2020, the album ‘I Miss You’ has been released for sale on www.kitalbum.com, which is a direct KiT Album store. Overseas users can not only purchase albums on the website, but they can also purchase them on the KiT Player app, which is a player for KiT Albums.


[Nguyễn Văn Hanh Journalist 기자 asiabignews@asiabignews.com]
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