기사제목 ‘Reminder’ is Korean singer-songwriter Heesu Yu’s third single.
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‘Reminder’ is Korean singer-songwriter Heesu Yu’s third single.

기사입력 2020.09.11 17:43
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‘Reminder’ is Korean singer-songwriter Heesu Yu’s third single. Her newest release is a bubbly, synth-heavy, fusion of Electropop and Alternative R&B. Yu loves to experiment with different sounds and this song combines Yu’s warm vocals with colorful textures and light, bouncy instrumentation. 

While musically the track is very upbeat and bright the lyrics, in contrast, express Yu’s frustration with her friends for reminding her of her ex and all they’ve been through. She wrote the track to communicate how she felt tired every time she had to explain her relationship’s backstory to each of her friends. While she knew they were there to support her and help her move forward, repetitively retelling the story of her past relationship to her friends was like a phone notification reminding her of the past.
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