기사제목 Korean Startup AETECH drawing attention by unveiling household waste sorting robot at CES 2024
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Korean Startup AETECH drawing attention by unveiling household waste sorting robot at CES 2024

기사입력 2024.01.10 18:14
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Korean startups are attracting attention at ‘CES 2024’, the world’s largest home appliance and information technology (IT) exhibition, opened in Las Vegas, USA, from January 9-12.

More than 550 Korean entities have unveiled their cutting-edge technologies in Las Vegas this year, cementing South Korea’s position as a powerhouse of innovation in the global tech landscape. The Ministry of SMEs and Startups is set to oversee the 'K-Startup Integrated Pavilion' at CES 2024, in collaboration with various entities, including 26 public institutions, local governments, and universities, at CES Eureka Park with an expanded size of 91 booths. 10 out of the 91 participating companies have been honored with the ‘CES Innovation Award’ for outstanding innovation.

Minister Oh Young-joo highlighted CES 2024 as a significant opportunity for Korean entities to discern global market trends and formulate overseas expansion strategies. The Ministry aims to actively support businesses in creating new opportunities abroad, while also promoting the ‘K-Startup’ brand globally, showcasing Korea’s attractive startup ecosystem to conglomerates and investors worldwide.

Along with Mand.ro, the 3D printed prosthetic hand maker and Gaudio Lab delivering audio solutions to platforms and content creators, the company named Aetech with AI robot 'Atron' that automates the process of sorting recyclables has also captured the attention at CES 2024.

One of staff members from Aetech who have participated in CES 2024 said, "As the keyword of CES 2024 is artificial intelligence (AI), we are looking forward to communicate with people worldwide and hear about what they think about Atron, the waste sorting AI robot completed with our own technology." “Starting with CES 2024, we plan to participate in global exhibitions in Germany and Spain, while also taking full steps to enter overseas markets such as Taiwan and Singapore.”

CES is one of the world's three largest ICT exhibitions held by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA). This year, it is a global technology festival with over 3,500 companies participating from around the world and will be held for four days from 9th to 12th of January.

[Jessica E. Jahng Journalist 기자 asianews4global@gmail.com]
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